ActionScript Maven Build for Air and Android Packages

In the previous posts we’ve covered the basic build automation and how to add libraries and fonts to it.

For many projects, building a SWF is simply not enough so we’ll try to extend the basic ActionScript Maven build presented in the first post. First we will address building Adobe Air packages and then we will address building Android packages. As a general note, please change pom.xml information to suit your build.

Continue reading ActionScript Maven Build for Air and Android Packages

Adding Libaries and Fonts to Your ActionScript Maven Build

Few weeks ago I’ve covered ActionScript build automation with Maven and FlexMojos here. Today I’m going to talk about adding libraries (SWC, ANEs) and fonts to your ActionScript maven build. I will also cover builds for Adobe Air and Android packages.

Continue reading Adding Libaries and Fonts to Your ActionScript Maven Build

ActionScript Build Automation with Maven and FlexMojos

For the past few days I’ve had to deal with adding build automation to an old ActionScript project. While there are several ways to do it, in this post I will cover ActionScript build automation with Maven and FlexMojos, and for unit testing we’ll use FlexUnit.

Continue reading ActionScript Build Automation with Maven and FlexMojos